
Showing posts from October, 2017

Join the Team, Make a Difference

CPS La Grande is actively looking for team members right here in Union County. Check out the linked page for more information. There are links at the bottom to current active job postings on our main website. JOIN THE TEAM For those of us who have spent our careers in agriculture it is exciting to see how the industry is changing and what that means for future opportunities. Agriculture is one of the hallmarks of civilization. Farming and all that goes with it allows people to settle into communities and focus on all the aspects of a "settled life." It is no small statement to say the heart of farming is feeding a growing world. As markets develop, populations boom, and regulations increase the complexity of what we do, it is increasingly important to look further down the road. Technology and stewardship intersect agricultural production to provide innovative solutions to complicated issues. That all means a breath of fresh air increasing opportunity in an old indust

Fall Pests, Boo!

There are a few pests that like to show up around the time kids are deciding how they'll dress up for Halloween. We've been seeing these little buggers in various perennial grass seed fields over the past couple of weeks. Billbugs are a common pest in Kentucky Bluegrass stands. This pest tends to build up a population that can go fairly unnoticed for a few years. Without a proactive prevention program billbugs can decimate a crop when the population density reaches critical mass. Drought will often reveal affected areas in the field that simply don't have the root structure to survive the stress. Irrigation certainly helps but it can often mask the problem in the absence of rigorous scouting. We've come across a few places this fall where high populations made the damage, likely done last spring, easy to spot. A lthough these insects are typically very difficult to find, we were able to collect a handful of adult billbugs crawling on the surface.    Hunting Billb

Load Up!

We're starting to see some moisture in the forecast, night time temps are dipping below freezing from time to time, and we're about to gear up for costumes and candy.  Fall in the Grande Ronde Valley is well under way. We view this is an opportunity. It's a chance for us to say thank you to our customers for all we've been able to accomplish together through another growing season. It's a chance to celebrate another year in the books and set our sights on 2018. As we now look forward to another crop cycle we want to remind you to talk with your CPS Fieldman about upcoming applications. We have trucks and equipment rolling in all directions as we're working to get that Fall Load-Up shot on the perennial crops.  It is always our aim to provide timely service and application and that always goes best when we can work together. Give us a call to chat about your plans and crop rotations and to schedule fertilizer and crop protection needs.  There's a lo

Fall Has Arrived

There's new snow in the mountains, frost on our windshields in the morning, and everyone is digging out a warmer jacket. Many growers have applied a Green-Up shot of fertilizer on grass seed fields are preparing for the Load-Up application to carry crops through the winter and into the spring. Fall herbicides are going out on perennial grass stands and new plantings of winter crops are going into freshly tilled ground. The CPS Team in La Grande is hard at work scouting fields, delivering supplies, and applying product. It's Fall in the Grande Ronde Valley. Talk with your CPS Fieldman about specialized Crop Programs for your farm. CPS La Grande - Profit from our experience.