
Showing posts from November, 2017

77th Annual Seed League Convention

Here's a look at the program for the 2017 77th annual Seed League. This is a big event for seed growers in Oregon. Once again CPS has shown full support for the markets our customers depend on by taking the top Program Sponsor spot. If you make it out be sure to stop by and say hi. See ya there!  

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving finds its roots in a 1621 harvest festival held by the Pilgrims in the New World to celebrate, after several difficult years, an abundant harvest. It was observed as a national holiday off and on following a proclamation by George Washington in 1789. Thanksgiving Day became an official federal holiday in 1863 with full support in both Houses of Congress and a decree by Abraham Lincoln.  That's a brief official history but what Thanksgiving has always boiled down to is pause. It is intended as a day to reflect and, as the name implies, give thanks both for abundance and the simple good things in life.  It's ironic that we tend to flit around frantically preparing a massive meal a fussing over the table arrangement on a holiday with an underlying purpose of pause and reflection. But feasting is not something we do well as a society. A consumption driven culture tends to miss the difference between overeating and feasting.  We'd like to encourage you


One of the main goals for this blog is to provide a point of contact for CPS customers and partners and a web presence for CPS La Grande. We'll work to keep information updated on how to contact us, what services we provide, as well as projects we're working on for the future and upcoming events. We'll post some links to interesting articles and provide a broader look at what's happening in agriculture around the world and how CPS is involved right here in Union County. On that note we invite you to subscribe to this blog. Click the "subscribe" button at the top of this page and enter your email address to receive new blog posts delivered right to your inbox. (For the record, this is an internal subscription service, we won't give your email out to anyone and we won't bombard your inbox with articles.)  If you have feedback on this blog, or an idea for an article, we'd love to hear from you. As always, thank you for reading and contact you

Tech Innovation in the Developing World

Nearly a decade ago smartphones began to change culture as we know it. The surprise is where it has had the greatest effect. We like the fact that we can check the weather, take quality pictures of weeds and pests, and exchange problem solving ideas and recommendations without ever leaving the field. But in Kenya a cheap Android phone radically changed the way rural farmers bought supplies and connected their commodities with their markets. That was over five years ago. Today Safaricom, the leading mobile telecommunications company in Kenya, has launched a new mobile tool for agriculture called Connected Farmer .  "Our aim is to digitize the end to end operations of agricultural produce processing firms creating supply chain efficiencies, linking farmers to commercial markets while facilitating productivity improvements.”  Moses Kiprop, Safaricom Customer Support (in spects) with Joseph Mwangi, Enterprise Services Safaricom during the launch of Connected Farmer App launch i