Introducing Nutrien Ag Solutions

Name changes can be an exciting time for a company, especially when it reinforces our global presence. Back in January we announced the completed merger between Agrium (our long-time parent company) and Potash Corp to form Nutrien, the world's largest agricultural inputs company . Over the last few months the upper levels of Nutrien have been hard at work to capitalize on synergies brought on through the merger of two large and successful companies. One of the ways to accomplish that goal is rebranding the retail locations around the world. In the U.S. we have been known as Crop Production Services but South America and Australia had different names for the grower-facing business. Beginning July 1st all retail locations around the world began the rebranding process to become Nutrien Ag Solutions . For those of us who have been with the company a number of years, this isn't the first renaming we've been through. That's some of the excitement; this...