Seed News

Winter is back in La Grande! Looks like those guys might have been right. Here's hoping we can rebuild a good portion of the snow pack over the next few weeks. Some interesting grass seed news has been released in the last week or so. The USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service (NASS) published the 2018 Oregon Grass Seed Forecast report last week. As a brief summary of the report, Annual Ryegrass and Tall Fescue (turf and forage) acreages are up while Perennial Ryegrass is down slightly. For those of us in the NE corner of the state of Oregon bluegrass is conspicuously absent from the report. We reached out to Dave Losh, the Oregon State statistician who did a ton of work on this report, to see if he had some unpublished insight on bluegrass acreage in the region but he is not yet available. We'll update you if we learn more. There's a couple other reports from USDA NASS you may find pertinent for the PNW (Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska). Bot...