Farmers 2050, a Mobile Game from Nutrien
The La Grande branch of Crop Production Services is one location in the world's largest supplier of crop inputs and services, Nutrien. We reported the news here around the first of the year when the merger of Agrium and Potash Corp finalized.
Being a part of the largest global agricultural company of its kind comes with some perks. We have a big voice in the world on topics like sustainability, safety, agronomic practices, and the reputation growers and suppliers carry in our society. One of the biggest conversations surrounding agriculture in our time is long term food supply.
How will "we," the farmers of the world, continue to feed an ever growing global population with the increasing challenges of urban sprawl, local regulations, water quality and supply, environmental concerns, and the rhetoric surrounding plant breeding and genetics. Public opinion is not insignificant and Nutrien is actively engaging the conversation in creative ways.
Benjamin Franklin once said, "an investment in knowledge pays the best interest," and Nutrien is working to make that investment through a mobile farming game. Yes, you read that correctly! It's an interesting and innovative approach to the conversation from the world's largest agricultural products supplier.
Click to visit the Farmers 2050 website |
Farmers 2050 is a mobile game for Apple and Android devices that teaches players about the ins and outs of agricultural production from bottom to top. There's a special edition for use in schools to supplement middle and high school education.
Here's a brief description from the website.
Grow crops, raise livestock, craft and sell goods and engage with local and global partners as you level up. Feeding the world relies on balancing your economic, social and environmental sustainability so strive to be a leader. Along the way, real farmers from across the world will show you what they are doing on their farms.The game has garnered a 4.2 and 4.4 star rating on Google Play and iTunes respectively and the Alberta Farmer Express recently posted a favorable write-up as well.
Those of us who grow crops or service growers for a living have a pretty good idea of what it's like to "explore sustainable agriculture [and] balance social, economic and environmental factors locally and globally." For many people around us food comes from the grocery store and there's little understanding of how much work and thought and planning and risk went in to getting it there. And most people don't understand how glum the supply chain looks in light of future population growth statistics. Farmers 2050 from Nutrien is taking steps to bring some of that understanding to more of the population.
As always, talk with your CPS Fieldman if you have questions or would like to discuss Spring crop plans.
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